Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Ben with Godparents Treaser and Keith at Auntie Joanne's wonderful wedding Posted by Picasa

Getting a feed with my friends Callum and Ryan at Grandparents in Knowle Posted by Picasa

I want that pink champagne!!! Posted by Picasa

About to shout "MAAAA MAAA" with Auntie Kate Posted by Picasa

With Great Auntie Dorrie Posted by Picasa

Ben, Mom, Joseph and Dawn in Shirley Posted by Picasa

Ben with Great Nanny Ruth and Mommy in Birmingham Posted by Picasa

Ben loves his Auntie Karen! Posted by Picasa

Ben loves the water! Posted by Picasa

Ben and Auntie Karen in wading pool, London Posted by Picasa

Back in London with Denise & Gary and family Posted by Picasa

Ben and Mommy with Cousins Ben, Tim and Margaret on the road to Allihies, Beara peninsula, southwestern Ireland Posted by Picasa

Ben with Cousin Tim and Cousin Ben at Parknasilla on the Ring of Kerry, Ireland Posted by Picasa

The three of us at Pulleen, Ireland Posted by Picasa

Happy Ben with Mom at Cailroe in Ireland Posted by Picasa

Ben in London with Godfather Richard Posted by Picasa